A Lighthouse
“Our mission is to plant ourselves at the gates of hope.”
Victoria Safford
Today marks the beginning of Holy week, a sacred stretch of time embroidered with clues as to how to live, to love, to suffer, to trust God regardless of the circumstances, to live in hope, to die and resurrect. Over the next seven days, join me in walking again the poignant footsteps of Jesus’s final week on earth: pull up a chair at his last meal on Maundy Thursday with his disciples. Not only did he gift us with the sacrament of communion, but Jesus wanted to make sure we knew how important it was to not only tell, but show the people we love, how much we love them (I remind you after dinner he washed their feet!); suffer alongside Jesus in the Garden of Gethsename when he experiences utter despair, only to discover a supernatural hope within. He expresses the ultimate words of faith (for all time): “Father, not my will, but Yours be done.” There is no avoiding Good Friday and the dreadful cross. Like it or not, this is our human reality. Either we have or we will experience our own cross, maybe many. We will also find ourselves, like the Mary’s, standing beneath a cross, beating our chests and wailing laments, because we have lossed someone we loved dearly. Next is Holy Saturday which feels especially timely right now. This is the day when the world went completely dark, and no one knew when or if the joy would return. Right now we are all being asked to sit in the uncertainty of Corona and not lose ourselves to fear and despair. Lean into Corrie ten Boom’s words for comfort: “never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” Easter morning will arrive. God promises it. And hollering a Hallelujah will never have felt so good! Blessings on you and yours!
God of Love,
I need to find You at my center —-
Show fear the door
Quiet the noise,
(rarely helpful)
And listen for Your instructions
When have I ever known what tomorrow holds?
I have spent time in the belly of the whale
But You’ve never left me there for long
So why should I doubt You now?
Remind me again of Your promise:
Even when all is not well and okay
All will be well and okay.
You do not need me to be a tempest, but a
Radiating love, love, love
Steering the people I love to new and peaceful shores.
For You,
And because of You
I will meet this day with courage.
A hopeful amen.
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