Merry Christmas

The Angel Gabriel has spoken.

The Mother of God has sung her Magnificat in reply.

The Star of Hope is stitched upon the dark canvas, a luminous protagonist in the duel with the Night.

The host of the heavenly wait for their cue, Alleluias whet upon their gilt tongues.

The shepherds star-gaze, honored to be invited into Heaven’s secret.

The Wise Men brave the uncertain road of Life, a mustard seed of faith ripening in their breasts. 

Pay attention, Herod is cunning. 

The innkeeper claims no room in the inn.

But the human heart is already dilated, the miracle is crowning. 

The whole world holds its breath for a babe’s mewl.

God dons the mantle of flesh well.

But there is a holier purpose.

The remedy of humanity. 

Love is the crux.

Tell the story again.

This time, my soul wishes a part to play. 



Merry Christmas! See ya in 2014!

Live in Hope,



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