Farrel and daughter making crepes


Farrel and daughter making crepes

Mama, Let’s Cook is back! And we are celebrating Shrove Tuesday, or “Fat Tuesday” for the New Orleans side of the family! Traditionally, Christians feasted on pancakes the night before Ash Wednesday because it was the best way to use up their eggs, milk and sugar before the Lenten fast. Bourbon Street fans refer to it as Fat Tuesday because it’s the last day of indulgences before the first day of Lent.


At our house, we are giving “Pancake Tuesday” a French spin. French crepes with Nutella and bananas is our family favorite. The recipe is so simple. You can easily add lemon zest, or orange blossom water if you are feeling exotic. If you were to visit Paris, you would happily find a crepe stand on most corners! When I was working in Paris eons ago, I would buy a crepe outside the Metro on the way home from work! At our house, they have become a Saturday morning treat!


Next week, I will begin a 6-week Lenten series titled, GPS for the Soul. I think we could all use a gentle nudge to focus in, to welcome more peace and balance into our lives, to spiritually recalibrate and find again our north star after this challenging last year.


Course Dessert
Cuisine French


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 Tbsp melted butter
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 1/3 cup milk (of your choosing)
  • 3 bananas, sliced thin
  • 1 jar of Nutella


  1. Whisk eggs, vanilla, salt, sugar and melted butter.

  2. Then slowly add flour, blending.

  3. After all is blended, add milk.

  4. It should be a thinner pancake batter.

  5. I dip a paper towel in butter and brush over the pan.

  6. Pour 1/3 cup of batter in your warm pan making sure you coat the entire pan with batter, let cook for about 2 minutes until you can start to lift sides with a knife or plastic spatula to flip.

  7. Cook for another thirty seconds and then begin your crêpe stack on a plate. You can usually make around 12-15 crepes with this recipe. 

  8. We fill our crêpes with sliced bananas and Nutella, maybe a little powdered sugar if we are feeling French-fancy!

Bread and Honey's Blessing of the Week

May our lives reflect the Truth:

Hope is real

Healing is possible

Life is a privilege

We exist for a purpose

Grace is available

Love prevails

God has us.



GPS for the Soul way finding illustration


Starting next week, I will begin a 6-week Lenten series leading up to Easter. Lent is traditionally a time of reflection and recalibration. My theme is GPS for the Soul. Each week I will give you new coordinates for how together we can live more soulfully!


If you would like to get this series delivered right to your inbox you can subscribe to Living Soulfully with Bread and Honey.

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