To live in hope is to believe a way can be made out of no way, the impossible made possible, a broken heart healed, an inner spirit surprised by its own resilience in the face of life’s challenges. Inside The Hope Box one discovers a treasure chest of small gestures when accomplished in love promise to fill the soul with hope.

The Hope Box Contents

The wings symbolize hope and serve as a reminder to the soul that all will be well.


The bouquet of roman chamomile, lavender, frankincense and bergamot will soothe, nourish and calm. The ritual of anointing with oils transforms an ordinary moment into something mysterious and holy.


The delicious and fragrant Verbena tea from the south of France, appreciated for centuries for its relaxing and healing benefits.


Local, organic honey to sweeten the moment.


When there is light, there is hope in whatever darkness. We remember that we are not alone and find the courage to keep moving forward. We become a living luminary.


A collection of prayers humbly woven together by an illumined thread of hope. Our spirits long for connection with Something larger than ourselves. The Pocket Cathedral is an invitation to begin a sacred conversation within the secret holy place of our heart.

Life can be so exquisite and so full of heartbreak. Sometimes we just need a little nudge of hope to take on our wings and rise. I see life as a relay race we are all on, where we are on the track could be a place of darkness or light, struggle or gratitude. We each have this gift to pass the baton of hope to one another knowing that somewhere along the track we will need someone to do the same for us. So often we don’t know what to say or do when someone we love is suffering. The Hope Box is for the friend or family member recently diagnosed with cancer or going through treatment, lost a loved one, struggling with infertility or depression, suffered through divorce, trauma, or grief, or just anyone who needs to be reminded that there is always hope.


Hope gives us wings.


I have watched as people have been inspired to place in their box other things that give them hope, like pictures, quotes, prayer beads, heart rocks, bluebird feathers and crosses. The Hope Box is a gift for the heart that beautifully keeps giving.

Live in Hope,


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