Polenta with Roasted Tomatoes and Goat Cheese

For me, living soulfully happens most often in my kitchen and sitting around my wide-planked, extra large dining room table. I am happiest tied in an apron, a recipe stirring the imagination, a colorful pastiche of fresh vegetables and herbs at arm's reach, maybe a roasted chicken in the oven

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A special, soulfull week ahead!

This is a special, "soulfull" week with many opportunities to nourish our souls! Inside you will find a fun recipe for Shrove Tuesday, a special invite for Valentine's Day, and an introduction to Lent. I have created a six-week Lent Love Series that focuses on closing the distance between our

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Turkey Chili

It's Thanksgiving week! I am so excited to welcome my kids home from college, my parents, and sister Harrison and her family for the marathon week of food, fun, fellowship, and football. I am making a big pot of turkey chili for the Wednesday night welcome home. To make the

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Farrell holding Ribollita Soup.

Mama Let’s Cook: Soupe au Pistou!

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, I crave something simple, healthy and delicious. I am a big fan of the French take on vegetable soup called, Soupe au Pistou. I love the recipe because you can use whatever vegetables you have left in your garden or you pick up at the Saturday

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Mom’s Lasagna

Several Christmas's ago my mom gifted my sisters and I with a leather journal full of family blessings and treasured recipes. It is a sacred heirloom. The book opens with a quote by the French artist, Paul Gauguin: "No mean woman can cook well, for it calls for a light

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Chocolate is good for the Soul

For the chocolate connoisseur, there is nothing as luxuriant as the famous French dessert Moelleux au Chocolat, or in layman’s terms, the flourless chocolate cake! What makes this dessert so delectable is the exciting moment the spoon breaks through the crust to a warm chocolate-mousse center! I must confess that

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Spring Pea Risotto

Spring Pea and Prosciutto Risotto

When we moved to Paris as newlyweds in 1999, I could barely boil an egg. I received a French Cordon Bleu "Quick Classics" cookbook as a housewarming gift from my Parisian neighbor. Looking back, Madame Bruousell's gift was the harbinger for my passion for cooking! Spring pea and prosciutto risotto

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Farrel and daughter making crepes


Mama, Let's Cook is back! And we are celebrating Shrove Tuesday, or "Fat Tuesday" for the New Orleans side of the family! Traditionally, Christians feasted on pancakes the night before Ash Wednesday because it was the best way to use up their eggs, milk and sugar before the Lenten fast.

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Farrell holding Ribollita Soup.


Every Italian Nonna knows this recipe by heart. I assure you this marvelous vegetable and white bean soup is a crowd-pleaser, freezes well, and nourishes the body. It is the perfect antidote for Thanksgiving recovery and preparation for the Christmas season. In that spirit, I gift you with a poem

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Mediterranean Chicken

My favorite restaurant on the planet is the Snake River Grill in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. One evening they had "Brick Chicken" as a special on the menu, and I fell in love. Could there be any better combination than olives, tomatoes, feta cheese, fresh oregano, fresh mint and basil, lemon

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