Lent Love Series #2

What is this unseen and otherworldly phenomenon called the Holy Spirit? And how do we recognize its presence in our own lives? Is the third figure in the trinity a dynamic energy, a holy consciousness, a divine intelligence—a force of love? I like the beloved monk Thomas Merton’s definition: “The Spirit is a little bit of heaven planted in each of us.” I believe the curious reality of the Holy Spirit is all of these and infinitely more.


It is that inner voice, one’s intuition and desire for goodness.

It is the part of you that recognizes beauty and is moved by its presence.

It is the response of unselfish compassion.

It is responsible for the marvelous moment when the clouds clear and you have clarity in a decision.

It is that surprise flicker of light in scary darkness.

It is the creative spark birthing a song, a poem, or a painting.

It is a Word that comes when there were no words to be found.

It is courage when there was no courage left.

It is the hand that reaches in and will not let you fall into the abyss.

It is the comfort that comes when the pain in your heart is just too much.

It is the deep longing and curiosity for something more, something else than what is seen… that never leaves us.

It is the capacity within you for remarkable, even sacrificial love for another.

It is the experience of a peace that passes all understanding.


How the Holy Spirit manifests in each of our lives is unique and will surprise us throughout our lives.


Let this be your Lenten prayer: Come, Holy Spirit Come!

  • Corky Herbert

    February 26, 2024 at 9:37 am

    What a perfect way to address the presence of the Holy Spirit—poetically. You are blessing many with your writing and sharing, Farrell. It is such a thanks to God for the gifts you’ve been given!

  • Diane Tucker

    February 26, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    My new mantra, Come, Holy Spirit, Come! Hugs!