This week, I gift you with access to my personal SOULFULL music playlist on Spotify. It has been the soundtrack for my life over the past year. We listen to it in the mornings on the way to school. My eight-year old Finn’s favorite song is “Constellations” by Ellie Holcombe. Rose can sing every word to “Thank God I Do.” We call it our Hope Anthem. Percy and I love the piano music by the French artist, Andrea Vanzo. My friend Jamee gifted me with a new song that I love, ” Break the Bottle.” Everything CeCe Winans belts is transcendent. Music plays a significant role in my physical and spiritual wellbeing. I listen to music when I write, cook, when the kids are home studying, and during my beloved baths!


I believe music helps gives meaning to our hard and exquisite earthly experiences. Amazing how it travels straight to your soul. Music reaches in and touches the deepest parts of us, where memories, wounds, and hopes live. Music can activate the dopamine circuitry in our brains for a more positive outlook. It provides epiphanies when we are soul stuck. In times of great sorrow, music helps us to remember that no matter what happens here on earth, there is still possibility. When I have no words, music becomes my prayer. At its best, music invites transcendence. Our spirits momentarily lift within our mortal frames, and we experience a glimmer of what heaven must be like.


All you have to do is go to SPOTIFY, type in SOULFULL and it’s yours! I welcome song suggestions to add to the playlist!


Thank you to the singers, songwriters, and musicians who give us melodies to mend our broken hearts and give us new hope.


Have a blessed week!


Give my playlist a listen: SOULFULL