Dove Carrying Olive Branch with Heart Illustration

Things I Know To Be True

I imagine for my entire life I will wrestle with these spiritual questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Who is God and what is my relation/relationship to God. Why must we suffer? How do I live a life that feels good on the inside and out; but also

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Love Lasts Forever

A Brave, New Year Ahead!

Are you familiar with the game Jenga? The game begins with a tower constructed with 54 blocks. The object is to remove individual blocks without the tower collapsing. Every time a piece is removed by a player, the structure becomes more unsteady. I find Jenga to be an apt metaphor

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Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh

A Christmas Reflection

NASA announced that for the first time in 800 years, the two largest presences in our solar system, mighty Jupiter and ringed Saturn will pass so close (.1 degree apart: the thickness of a dime held at arm’s length) creating an extraordinary radiance of light in our dark night skies.

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Big Hope

Get Hope

2020 has been a year of many losses, great and small. Yes, there have been some silver linings and a-ha revelations, but for the most part I think we have shifted into “idle” gear. This past summer, I was charged with driving the Jon Boat so my husband David could

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Corrie Ten Boom Quote

Keeping the Faith

Like me, do you sometimes find yourself calling out to the cosmos, “What next?” Tornadoes and a worldwide pandemic, racial injustice, political discord, financial insecurity, cancer everywhere, just the regular hiccups that come with being human and in relationships with other human beings. All of it threatening to upset our

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Wyoming Rainbow

Welcome Back, Friend

This summer, I escaped to my in-laws home in Wyoming—fishing rod, running shoes, and a collection of old journals in my satchel. For as long as I can remember, I have written down my thoughts, collected quotes that resonate, and scribbled inspiration for new pieces of writing. The idea was

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Teach me how to pray

Prayer is a mysterious, miraculous and sometimes frustrating effort. Not only is the receiver unseen, but we never really know if the pleadings of our heart are heard, and if and how they are answered. I am a novitiate in the art of praying. Sometimes my prayers feel surface-deep---worse, rote.

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