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Corrie Ten Boom Quote

God Step In

How can we not feel discouraged by the current state of Creation? A tyrant with no moral compass is pillaging what is good. I discovered that my beloved Park where I run, hike, walk my dogs and pray is using toxic glysophate to “clean up” the overgrowth (kills nature, gets

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Lenten Bookstack

For me, daffodils and lenten roses are Mother Nature's heralds of Spring and Easter. Lent is a sacred segment of time, mirroring Jesus's 40-day spiritual journey in the desert, whereby spiritual seekers give up or take on something in the hopes of experiencing a deeper sense of oneself and God.

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Mom’s Lasagna

Several Christmas's ago my mom gifted my sisters and I with a leather journal full of family blessings and treasured recipes. It is a sacred heirloom. The book opens with a quote by the French artist, Paul Gauguin: "No mean woman can cook well, for it calls for a light

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Have you been there— that unnerving “purgatory of waiting” where you are desperate to either stop or fast-forward time and manifest a desired outcome for yourself or someone you love? At any given moment, we are all waiting for the beginning or the ending of something. We wait for dreams

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One Square Inch of Silence

Today I am interested in the possibility of rediscovering and cultivating “one square inch of silence” within us. Faced with the pressures, the loudness, the busyness of our modern-day lives, we must with intentionality and discipline “cultivate calm” in our lives. The goal is to engage with the world from

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