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Chocolate is good for the Soul

For the chocolate connoisseur, there is nothing as luxuriant as the famous French dessert Moelleux au Chocolat, or in layman’s terms, the flourless chocolate cake! What makes this dessert so delectable is the exciting moment the spoon breaks through the crust to a warm chocolate-mousse center! I must confess that

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Welcome Back!

It’s a New Year

Time is precious. None of us know how much sand remains in our hourglass so we cannot afford to focus any more time and energy on the uncertain, the scary, the negative. God is focused on what new and marvelous things are forthcoming. Maybe permitting ourselves to dream again is

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Where do we go from here?

Christmas is an invitation to want more for your life, to dare a new path that will afford you more fullness of soul and regular joy! I believe we all have a holy inkling that there is more here than meets the eye and that our lives could be more

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Soulful 7 Image

Soulful 7 with Becca Stevens

In the spirit of Christmas, I gift you with a Soulful 7 Conversation that will be a balm for your soul. I have known Becca Stevens for over eighteen years. You know her as the founder of Thistle Farms, Episcopal priest and wildly accomplished author. I know her as a

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Dear Hope

The time of Advent has happily snuck up on me! It could not have come at a better time. I am tired of walking on eggshells and waiting for the other shoe to drop. These last two years have taught me more than I would like about loss, fear of

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