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The Way, The Truth, The Life

We are living in a time of unparalleled change. Old guards are falling to new guards. The tug-of-war between the sacred and secular is real and daily. What should we hold onto from our past; what must we now welcome as our new future? How do we live in the

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Press On

The experience of faith can be described in three words: wonder, patience, expectation.  Wonder is knowing in your bones the reality of God in and around us. Patience is the spiritual discipline to accept seasons of divine silence and our human niggling doubt. Time spent in this “no man's land”

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La Bonne Franquette

La Bonne Franquette

It was 6:00pm on a lovely summer evening. I received a phone call from my new friend Lise that she and her husband Eric would love to stop by. Always up for any opportunity to gather people around my table, without a second thought, I answered an enthusiastic, “Yes!” Next,

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Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!

This summer I had a fearsome encounter with a bear, but no ordinary bear! This was “The Grand Matriarch of the Tetons,” decked out in her shaggy fur coat with four yearlings in tow. A regal queen—and absolutely terrifying! She weighed at least 400 pounds and stood a bit over

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Fall Bookstack

This past weekend, I lit my first fire, enjoyed a cup of tea and read a new cookbook cover to cover. Pure bliss. Reading for me is a spiritual discipline. I know that may sound like an oxymoron, but books inspire, counsel, promote inner calmness, foster my creativity and plain

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Earth is crammed with heaven. Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Transcendence is the Secret

There is no solving the finite issue. Aristotle suggested we not focus on “the end” but ways to flourish in the present. The American psychologist, Abraham Maslov, wrote about the necessity of having “peak experiences,” where present reality is perceived as sublime; the brutal is forgotten for the beautiful—the ordinary

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