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A Divine Summit

  Sometimes we are beckoned to slow down the hectic spin of our lives and take stock of who we are, why we are here and where we hope to be going. Last month, David and I got away for three whole days without the kids. Such a rarity, we called it,

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Introducing: The Hope Box

Life can be so exquisite but also so full of heartbreak. Sometimes we just need a little nudge of hope to take on our wings and rise. A couple of years ago a family friend lost their son tragically. My heart was broken. I created for them my first box of

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The Journey of the Soul

When you are secure in your soul, what's to fear?  -Ram Das On a day like this when I have just been told that not one, but two people I love have just received the dreaded sentence: Incurable. And my hometown of Nashville is shrouded in grief for all the unnecessary

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All things French!

It comes as no secret to those who know me that I love all things French! So, today I am going to share three "French treats" that give me beaucoup de soul-joy! This summer while visiting friends in France, I had a ham and cheese sandwich that I am still dreaming

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The Role of a Lifetime

Growing up my grandfather, Papa Charlie, would come over for dinner every Wednesday night. After a Southern feast of fried chicken, rice and gravy, butter beans, homemade biscuits and sweet tea, my five sisters and I would put on a lively performance for him. As I was the oldest, and

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