Gritty Hope

Today marks the beginning of the Christian season of Advent. The early Church carved out four weeks to prepare the mind, body and spirit for that mystical event when God crossed the boundary between heaven and earth to come be with us. On that first Christmas morning, God proved the

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Practice Resurrection

I am a huge admirer of the saint, Archbishop Desmund Tutu, who said, “I believe with a steadfast faith that there can never be a situation that is utterly totally hopeless. Hope is deeper and very close to unshakeable. To choose hope is to step firmly forward into the howling

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You are Invited

You are invited to a very special evening this Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30pm. It will be a night to fill up your soul. Two of my favorite singer songwriters in Nashville will perform. There will be inspiring conversation and maybe even a love muffin or two! I hope you

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A Dream Realized!

I would like to begin today by speaking about my dreams and the people who helped me realize them! My first job out of college was working for Saatchi & Saatchi in New York City. We shared a building with the most respected publishing house, Penguin, now Penguin Random House.

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Love, Find a Way

I am not alone in feeling the world has come undone. God surely is weeping for us. "Love God and love your neighbor," so simple and yet we continue to miss the mark. I am weary from all the violence in my neighborhood and many neighborhoods across the land and

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God of the Stars and my Beating Heart

I wrote this prayer early Sunday morning for church. After the service, someone came up to me and said, "Thank you for reminding me I have a little of heaven in me." We are more than our current circumstances, our insecurities, our flawed humanity. Embroidered throughout us is the the

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Welcome Back

This past spring tested me in mind, body and spirit. Four tragic funerals. I was soul-flat. The pain and suffering had worn down the leather soles of my faith. Instead of panicking, I got quiet. I have been here before. This summer, I found myself asking some heart-felt questions: Is

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Lean into Prayer

Over the coming weeks, I am going to post every Monday morning tips for healing. I find I am having to do the work myself to recover my hope and nurse my grief. When I feel tender, I lean into prayer, scripture, music, nature, writing, and cooking for friends and

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Living on a Prayer

I am in a season where I feel there are not enough hours in the day to transfer from my heart to God's everything I long for, worry about, and I am thankful for. I confess there have been times in my life that God was the last place I

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