Flower field.

Much to Pray About!

I am in a season where I feel there are not enough hours in the day to transfer from my heart to God's everything I long for, worry about, and I am thankful for. I confess there have been times in my life that God was the last place I

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Welcome Back

Welcome back to Bread and Honey! Thank you for your patience. This has been an exciting and busy time as I am working on a new book (more to come!) and I am deep in the process of ordination. Every September of my childhood, my mom would gather my

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Trees Take the Long View

I have always loved trees: the prehistoric ginkgo, the Angel Oak, the sweet Southern magnolia, a grove of olive trees, the elegant weeping willow. I fell in love with my husband hiking Sewanee’s famous Perimeter Trail beneath a towering fortress of pine trees. For my 40th birthday, David gifted me

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Corrie Ten Boom Quote

The Tremble

Sometimes "Life" (the Ukraine Russian war, the economic downturn, the Afghan Refugee crisis in Nashville, teenage shenanigans, family health issues, a child off at college, friends battling cancer, addiction, betrayal in their marriages, aging parents, a future unpredictable and unknown —the list is endless) leaves me feeling anxious and insecure

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Corrie Ten Boom Quote

God Step In

How can we not feel discouraged by the current state of Creation? A tyrant with no moral compass is pillaging what is good. I discovered that my beloved Park where I run, hike, walk my dogs and pray is using toxic glysophate to “clean up” the overgrowth (kills nature, gets

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Welcome Back

Welcome Back! When I signed off at Bread and Honey in June, I was convinced we had closed the chapter on Covid. Like a wild horse finally released from captivity back into wild I was ready to run free. Traveling, eating in restaurants, meeting new friends, I tossed my mask

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Flower field.

Begin the week with a prayer

I am in the thick of exams at Vanderbilt Divinity School. For one of my classes I am writing a paper on the immanence (intimacy) and transcendence (beyondness) of God. Remarkable how God is at once near, as close as my heartbeat and as near as my breath, listening to

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GPS for the Soul Way-Finding Sign Illustration

GPS for the Soul: Good News

Last week, I read an article, entitled, “Is bad news the only kind?” Professor Bruce Sacerdote from Dartmouth College noticed last year that all Covid-19 television coverage from FOX, CNN to PBS was overwhelmingly negative. Even when the news was hopeful, such as cases were on the decline, the news

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GPS for the Soul Way-Finding Sign Illustration

GPS for the Soul Week 6

I have a friend who flips to the last page of every book on her shelf to make sure there is a redemptive ending before she commits to the story. Isn’t that what we all secretly desire—the chance to turn to the last page of our earthly story, or the

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GPS for the Soul Way-Finding Sign Illustration

GPS for the Soul Week 5

If this year has taught us anything, it is how difficult, unpredictable, and downright scary it can be to be human. It has also taught us the remarkable capacity of love to more than see us through. We were never meant to manage this holy responsibility on our own. Jesus

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