A Prayer

Audio Prayer by F. Mason (click Play above to listen) Music by David Nevue, "While the Trees Sleep" Holy One, Please enter in where you already abide. Although our lives are measured in breaths, you only take notice of our hearts. It makes little difference whether we are wet behind the ears, our faith as

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Gone Fish’in!

All Life is intertwined. We see the Great Peaks mirrored in water- Stillness. Wholeness. Renewal. Reflection leads us to restoration. Nature quiets the mind by engaging with an intelligence larger than our own. Mindful of different ways of being, Our awareness as a species shifts- We recognize the soul of the land as our own. The path of wisdom invites us to walk

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Easter Prayer

Hallowed One, We stand in awe and wonder at your daring plan of Love. Just when we begin to despair, the Light rises up and defeats the Darkness. Heaven breaks through. Resurrection, the business of God. Death is not the victor, but Love the hero. Your son now goes by another name--Savior. The scent of Hope is

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Meditation on Ash Wednesday

From dust we came and to dust we shall return. I know this truth all too well as a minister praying over the burial urn containing all that once was precious life. The day will come when we too will fold back into the embrace of Mother Nature. But that is

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Merry Christmas

The Angel Gabriel has spoken. The Mother of God has sung her Magnificat in reply. The Star of Hope is stitched upon the dark canvas, a luminous protagonist in the duel with the Night. The host of the heavenly wait for their cue, Alleluias whet upon their gilt tongues. The shepherds star-gaze, honored to

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A Prayer on Thanksgiving

Holy One,  How do we begin to say thank you? How do we stand before you in our humble garb of flesh and bone and thank you for all that we are— Divinely-made, tenderly loved, and eternally-bound. How do we say thank you for all that we have— For that first holy breath and every

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We Pray.

How do we "muscle" through in this life when faced with our egg-shell reality? What I mean is how do we endure the unpredictability and painful parts of being human- devastating tornadoes, cancer, terrorism, financial crisis, marital disappointments, terrific grief, doubts about who we are and who and where God is? We

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