No regrets

Holy One, Instead of looking for life's answers, I’m going to look for You, My God, in all and everything. Curiosity will be my compass. I’ll keep my fears in check. Be daring. My mantra: No regrets. Blood, sweat, tears and laughter. I’m going to wear out my welcome here on earth. Show up at heaven’s door, My humanity in

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An Offered Prayer

God, I am a little boat on the great sea of Life. One moment it’s tangerine skies and smiles, the next, ominous clouds move in, silver-rimmed in dread. My faith quivers, rough waters batter my heart, the lightening strikes down my courage, and all I see around is darkness. Where once I felt in

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Love Letter from God

Dear (Insert Your Name Here), Together we stand on the precipice of a new year. I have your hand, and together we will walk forward into the great unknown. There is no crystal ball, tarot card, or palm reader to predict or prepare you for what lies ahead. Only my promise

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Advent Prayer

God of Heaven and Earth, When we close our eyes, slow our breath, and ask you to enter in— We feel the shift in gravity. No longer are we relying on ourselves and the temporal world for our grounding and truth. But You—The One for whose Love never fails us. We ask now that you

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The Tug Of War of Faith

For now we see in a mirror dimly---One day, we shall see face to face. Now I know only in part; But the day is promised when I shall understand all. As I have been known all along by God.  1 Corinthians 13:12 Almost thirteen years ago today, I was standing in

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An Intimate Conversation

Divine One, What would you discover if you were to gaze inside to the anatomy of our souls? Would you see a noble spirit, one that is drawn to hope, one that is not afraid of the mystery, the unknowing, the bitter and the heartbreak? One that remains full of faith,

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A Prayer

Infinite and Holy One---- When we close our eyes, bow our heads, and surrender to the moment. We come to you from the seat of our souls---- That place of our greatest vulnerability, divine potential, and hope. The Odyssey humbles. First, we ask pardon for the places in our lives where we have missed the

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Just Believe

Does your Heart have an imagination? The ancient miracle play is about to commence. Take your place. You have been cast to play: Your one true self. The soul always gets the lead. Leave it to humanity to fumble in the darkness backstage when salvation is within their grasp. Peek beyond the curtain. Don't look so

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The Truth

Disappointment is inevitable, unavoidable, and the price of being human. It shakes the very grounding of our being. Parent, child, spouse, friend, work colleague, the person that sits one pew ahead in church, even the stranger has the power to distort the view. And one is assured the body will betray as well. Disappointment

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