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Year of 39

"We all want to know why we are here. What is our mission in life? Those people who know it are easy to spot: Their lives shine with meaning." -Caroline Myss Year of 39--that is what I called this past year of my life. I know everyone says that age is just

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Gone Fish’in!

All Life is intertwined. We see the Great Peaks mirrored in water- Stillness. Wholeness. Renewal. Reflection leads us to restoration. Nature quiets the mind by engaging with an intelligence larger than our own. Mindful of different ways of being, Our awareness as a species shifts- We recognize the soul of the land as our own. The path of wisdom invites us to walk

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Gypsy Gazpacho

There is nothing that says Summer like a fresh and colorful Gazpacho! This recipe is a great way to empty your garden or have fun with your finds from the Farmer's market. If you are in Nashville, I highly recommend the Tuesday Farmer's Market at Sevier Park. There is live

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The Heart Beneath the Brushstrokes

A friend recently gave me a sage piece of advice, "Remember, everyone suffers from a broken heart." My background is in art history, and I'll never forget standing in awe before Da Vinci's, Mona Lisa at the Louvre, furiously taking notes and photographs. The Professor said, "A memorable portrait reveals a depth beyond

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99 Names for God

This past week I met a young man from Jordan who introduced me to the dhikir, a form of meditative prayer where one recites aloud or silently the 99 sacred names of God. Thumbing his prayer beads, I watched as my new friend remembered God, one bead, one holy

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