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Snowed In

What does a heaping pot of chili (recipe next week!), dozens of mugs of hot chocolate overflowing with marshmallows, four batches of banana chocolate chip muffins, a surprising experiment in making Tiramasu (future post!), two seasons of Master Chef Jr (my kid's guilty pleasure, and mine!), dangerously competitive family marathon's

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A seed of Faith

You know that moment where you hear something, and it just reaches in and clutches your heart and won't let go. More than likely, you have heard the nugget of wisdom before. But for some reason this time it burrowed in a little deeper. For me last week, the messenger

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Love you More!

I'm a sucker for love! Every night I play this game with my children where I say, "I Love you." They respond, "I love you more." And then I crescendo with, "IMPOSSIBLE!" It's as if you can actually see their heart growing out of their chests! When it's all said and

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When the Bottom Falls Out

What do you do when the bottom falls out? Suddenly you find yourself holding on for dear life as your whole world slides off its axis. For years you have counted on your health, your marriage, your sobriety, your financial security, a friendship, a pet, a job, healthy parents, even

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Mama Mia

I hope every Italian grandmother forgives me for this short-cut of a recipe! But with five kids and a bustling life sometimes I haven't the luxury to stand over the stovetop, tied into my apron, wooden spoon in hand, admiring the perfect tomato sauce bubbling away! This is one of my

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Two Stones

Every year thousands make the spiritual pilgrimage to the Scottish isle of Iona in search of some greater spiritual Truth. The ancient Celts believed this island was one of the "thin places" where one could peek through the Veil that separates the heavens from the earth and gaze upon the

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