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Sunday Test Kitchen

Most Sundays afternoons you'll find me barefoot in the kitchen. I consider it a spiritual discipline. There is a mindfulness achieved while chopping carrots, mashing bananas, grinding cashews for butter, and melting coconut oil that I often miss in the hustle and bustle of the week. I slow down. I allow

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Greatest Underdog Story Ever Told

In memory of Amy and Karen---Two women who fought the good fight, may they both sleep tonight at Heaven's gate. I love an underdog story. And Easter for me is the greatest underdog story ever told. Over 2,000 years ago there was a Galilean peasant----- A carpenter's son. He was not rich, royal, or

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A Giving Tree

This past week I was in my home state of South Carolina. Although our state flower is the palm tree, I'm partial to the Angel Oak, mythic in size and elegantly adorned in a crocheted cape of silvery moss. Driving the familiar old road from Charleston to the isle of

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Porcine Love

We are a bacon on Saturday morning family! Although I am not a huge meat eater, there is also nothing more satisfying than a BLT&A (Bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado sandwich!) But if you are really a porcine connoisseur you must add prosciutto to your repertoire. Talk about an A-ha moment!

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Matisse Cuts A New Destiny

I often wonder what it truly means to have faith? Is it the great act of holding onto God and never letting go, fierce like a pit bull, despite what life throws at us? Is faith simply a statement, "I believe," and that suffices? Or is it a lifetime of spiritual tête-à-tête's between

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Turkey Chili with a Gypsy Twist

Is it true what they say----A brutal Winter promises a beautiful Spring? Please say it is true! But there are some benefits to courting Old Man Winter. Warm Fires, hot chocolate, and a big pot of chili! This recipe is healthy, easy to make, and will feed legions. I hope

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