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Gratitude for the Small Things

I have always tried my best to find joy in the small things! When life challenges, this can be difficult, but even the more necessary! It's the "mini-joys" that have this mysterious way of turning a frown upside down, elevating the ordinary, and sprinkling a little grace over the rougher edges

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The Truth

Disappointment is inevitable, unavoidable, and the price of being human. It shakes the very grounding of our being. Parent, child, spouse, friend, work colleague, the person that sits one pew ahead in church, even the stranger has the power to distort the view. And one is assured the body will betray as well. Disappointment

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To endure is to prevail

"We rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. And hope does not disappoint." -Letter to the Romans Part of what we are called to do here on earth is to endure. And if we have the courage to endure whatever life

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Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

This is a go to recipe at the Mason house. Muffin was the second word after mama that came out of my son Percy's mouth! I buy the bananas on Sunday and they sit in the window until "mashing" the following Saturday morning. The more black and bruised the better.

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On My Bedside Table

Wouldn't you just love to know what books are living on people's bedside tables?! Not only for good ideas for the next trip to Parnassus Bookshop but also because it would allow us a peak into their life! Usually what we are reading says a lot about who we are,

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Did you miss the eagle, too?

This Summer I was jogging alongside the Snake River in Wyoming. I passed an aging cowboy, his worn boots propped up on a split log, a smoking pipe dangling from his chin, and a steaming cup of joe by his side. I thought I heard him mumble something under his

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