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A Prayer

Infinite and Holy One---- When we close our eyes, bow our heads, and surrender to the moment. We come to you from the seat of our souls---- That place of our greatest vulnerability, divine potential, and hope. The Odyssey humbles. First, we ask pardon for the places in our lives where we have missed the

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Not enough tears

In memory of my first bunkmate at camp, Chapman Quantz McMeekin Over the last month my family has admired a mother Robin preparing for the arrival of new life. The nest was a work of art, even including a piece of mint floss, a shred of a left-over yogurt pop, and

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Cookbook Love

I read cookbooks like novels. A good cookbook takes you on a magic carpet ride into someone else's kitchen "chapel," invites you to peek into their spice cabinets, and eavesdrop on intimate conversations that ensue around their tables. There are stacks of cookbooks scattered all over my kitchen--French, Italian, Vegetarian,

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Tomato, Tomahto?

"Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" You say either and I say either, You say neither and I say neither Either, either Neither, neither Let's call the whole thing off. You like potato and I like potahto You like tomato and I like tomahto Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole

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The Little Way

Her name was Marie-Francoise-Thérèse Martin. But most know her today as Saint Thérèse of Liseaux or "Little Flower." At the age of nine, Thérèse determined she would become a French nun. On a pilgrimage to Rome with her father, she had the pluck to ask Pope Leo XIII for a special favor

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Talking Trees

A Spring Conversation Rose: (The inquisitive 4 yr old) "Mama, can trees talk?" Charlie: (The imaginative 12 year old) Of course they can Rose. Why do you think both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien put talking trees in their books?  Mom: (The 40-something tree hugger) Rose, I think trees are good listeners.  (Rose smiles with

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